Hopefully this does not happen, but just in case here is how you can keep your I.T moving along at home.

Accessing your work PCs from home
You will need some sort of remote access software installed on both home and office PC/Mac.
Some are free, some you have to pay. So we will start with the free of charge ones.
Google Chrome, yes your browser has a free remote access app! Using your @gmail.com address you can access all your PCs, Macs, Chromebooks and certain servers all from your Google Chrome browser.
Chrome Remote Desktop can be downloaded here for Chrome:
More info on Google's official website can be found here:
Microsoft Remote Desktop, built into your Windows PC. A little more tricky to setup as you need to open ports and settings on both the PC and router. But again another free software to use.
Can be downloaded from the Windows Store here:
Another one from Microsoft is Microsoft Teams. It comes free with your Office 365 subscription and there is currently a free plan to use.
Apple Mac also has Remote Login built into the Operating System. I found this very good article on the web to help all Mac users out there:

Paid/Free trial software:
TeamViewer, the most popular for remote access. They do have a free plan but they sometimes limit you to around 5 mins. They have a policy of free for personal use, pay for business use.
You can download TeamViewer for PC, Mac, Linus, etc here:
Shout out to other software that work just as well.
AnyDesk: https://anydesk.com/en
Splashtop: https://www.splashtop.com/
NoMachine: https://www.nomachine.com/
Good old fashion, copy data to an external drive/ USB stick and work from there. Keep in mind that if your company has data protection/GDPR you will not be allowed to do this. Best ask the person in charge if you are breaking any rules!
If your office works off a laptop you can just bring that home. Some our clients will even bring the whole PC if they know they will be there for X amount of time.
If you need an external drive/USB stick here are few good ones that will keep you moving along:
For Windows:
For Mac:
Pen USB Drives:
SanDisk Ultra 256 GB USB Flash Drive USB 3.0 up to 130 MB/s
SanDisk Ultra 64 GB USB Flash Drive USB 3.0 up to 100 MB/s
Accessing your Servers/NAS remotely
This is where things get a bit tricky. Most servers that do not need to be accessed outside of the 4 walls get this feature turned off. This is for security purposes. Hackers, etc love open door servers.
Best thing to do is give us a call here and we can setup the server for outside access. You may need to contact your ISP for a fixed IP address. But there are ways around this with services like NOIP.
If you would like anymore information or need us to come in to give your PCs/Macs a once over please book this in ASAP. We will continue to work until told not to by the Government/Camden Council.